Deciding to embark on a shipping container home project is an exciting time. But many budding builders quickly come unstuck because they haven’t completed the necessary research before diving into the job.

With modern container homes offering occupants a wonderfully comfortable and cost-effective lifestyle, it pays to know what mistakes others make so you can avoid doing the same. This way, you can ensure your new container home lives up to your imagination for all the right reasons.

Here, we explore some of the most common mistakes people make when building their next home in a shipping container.

Overlooking Insulation

Choosing the correct insulation is critical when planning to live in a container home. With these structures impacted significantly by shifting temperatures, you don’t want to get caught out by a space that’s freezing or sizzling depending on the season. Plus, the ideal insulation will help protect your home against harmful mould and ingress.

Choosing a Low-Quality Container

Whether you choose to purchase a new or second-hand shipping container to construct your home, you must do your due diligence to ensure it’s up to scratch. As shipping containers spend their time outside, they are susceptible to rust and dampness that damage structural integrity. To protect yourself and your investment, always carefully inspect the shipping container in person. 

Failing to Understand Local Building Codes

No matter where you live in Australia, your new shipping container home will be subject to local laws and regulations. With your project needing to receive building approval and proper inspections, you can’t just simply purchase a container and start hammering away. Rather than risking your project being rejected or getting levied with fines, always review your local council’s building laws and acquire the appropriate permits.

Not Considering the Climate

Like any building project in Australia, you must consider the climate before starting. As varying parts of the country experience dramatically different weather – ranging from intense heat to tropical storms – knowing how to create a container home that suits your local climate is crucial. In fact, these concerns dictate the insulation and features you can expect to include.

Take Care of Your Shipping Container Today

Looking to purchase a top-notch shipping container? Chat to the friendly team at South West Containers to receive expert advice. Our exceptional industry knowledge ensures we can provide the perfect shipping container solution for your needs.